Learn more about our new hybrid trade credit insurance
offering + how it can help your business.

Reach out today.

Fortify your business’s entire portfolio in one place. The all-new Cover+ offering from Coface pairs the benefit of non-cancellable credit limits for your largest most critical accounts with our traditional risk insurance for the remainder of your portfolio.

 You’ll partner with the leading credit insurer to protect your company against potential non-payment by your customers with cover provided in approximately 200 countries. 


Coface has you covered:

·       Secure your company’s margins by limiting the financial impact of unpaid invoices

·       Optimize your balance sheet and P&L

·       Protect your receivables and protect your cash

·       Receive credit and receivables management support from a global industry leader

·       Access to better financing terms 

·       Focus on growing your business with our support: add new buyers to your portfolio
        and increase sales with existing ones
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